1914 – The Golem

1914. Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir-presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne is assassinated by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip.

1914 – The Golem2021-03-19T11:00:48+00:00

1911 – Ladies Whose Bright Eyes

1911. The world’s first scheduled airmail post is delivered in the UK, and the first public electric escalators are installed in a tube station in London.

1911 – Ladies Whose Bright Eyes2021-03-19T10:57:55+00:00

1907 – Ozma of Oz

1907. Oklahoma becomes a state, the United States limits immigration, and on December 31 at midnight, the first electric ball drops in Times Square.

1907 – Ozma of Oz2021-03-19T10:48:37+00:00

1905 – The Gods of Pegana

1905. In Ireland, The Sinn Féin (“We Ourselves”) party is founded with the goal of uniting the various nationalist groups.

1905 – The Gods of Pegana2021-03-19T10:40:43+00:00

1903 – The Story of King Arthur and His Knights

1903. Marie Curie and her husband Pierre receive the Nobel Prize in Physics, Orville Wright pilots the first modern airplane, and Henry Ford founds Ford Motors.

1903 – The Story of King Arthur and His Knights2021-03-19T10:36:35+00:00
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